Trap and Truck now Offers ant and wasp treatment. CALL TODAY!

Trap and Truck uses Trapping, Catch Pole, Exclusion, Diversion, among others when dealing with sick/injured and nuisance wildlife on your property.

we at Trap and Truck believe our Multi method approach is safer for both people and animals alike.

OUR trapping METHODS

- Traps are checked every day or evening,multiple times if applicable

- Utilization of hydration methods in traps when weather requires

- Points of entry are identified before traps are set

-Utilization of strategic trap placement to help insure capture of target animal(s)

- Good placement can sometimes allow for bait free trapping. Targeted low scent baiting with is the most common method.

- Setting traps at the right time of the day as to avoid day diurnal or crepuscular animals from entering traps meant for nocturnal animals.

- One way door can be a useful tool when applicable, however is not a FAVORED for lack of EFFECTIVENESS with TENACIOUS re-entry attempts of animals. 


- Trapping gives opportunity for a visual assessment to be made as to the condition of the animal. Including identifying potential cases of distemper and the re-surging Rabies virus.

This allows trap and truck to identify and transfer suspected sick or injured wildlife to the appropriate care facilities. ie - London animal Care Centre. 

These methods can be a fantastic tool in combating distemper and the deadly rabies virus witch is on the rise in our communities. RABIES is COMMUNICABLE to both humans and pets. after symptoms of rabies appear chances of survival are less than 1%.

The professional wildlife conservation community universally endorses trapping as critical and essential wildlife management tool.

The Wildlife Society and the International Association of fish and Wildlife agencies have both issued policy statements that strongly support the role commercial trapping plays in achieving wildlife management objectives.

- Exclusion only methods can have animals potentially carrying diseases to simply move away to spread further sickness in your community. We feel trapping and observing animals is the best public and wildlife disease prevention safety measure in affect next to vaccination.


Animals instinctively adapt to changes and will quickly adapt in the new area. Territory conflicts are rare and even more rarely end with death. In most cases new dens can easily be dug and nests can be rebuilt within a day and even hours.