Skunks can wreak havoc on your garden, endanger your pets, dig unsightly holes looking for grubs, move in under your shed or deck and the lingering smell of spray can move into your home for days.Some try blocking with bricks or filling in holes, bu…

Skunks can wreak havoc on your garden, endanger your pets, dig unsightly holes looking for grubs, move in under your shed or deck and the lingering smell of spray can move into your home for days.

Some try blocking with bricks or filling in holes, but a determined skunk will easily overcome these methods.

Skunks are nocturnal if you see a skunk on your property during the day call an expert for advice.

519-694-4839 - TrapandTruck@gmail.com

Get skunk proofed with Trap And Truck and protect your home with a permanent solution.- Offering Den excavation, trapping and skunk proofing

Rabbits are one of the most damaging creatures to the home gardener. Just two rabbits can destroy a large crop of home grown vegetables. There are many remedies to rid rabbits from the property including bovine blood, human, hair and garlic. None 10…

Rabbits are one of the most damaging creatures to the home gardener. Just two rabbits can destroy a large crop of home grown vegetables. There are many remedies to rid rabbits from the property including bovine blood, human, hair and garlic. None 100% effective. The key to keeping rabbits out of the garden is with properly installed protective barriers. Burrowing rabbits can be safely trapped and removed outside of nesting season.

For more advice and/or solutions call or email Trap and Truck today
519-694-4839 - TrapandTruck@gmail.com

Grey squirrels are commonly found in North America. The gray squirrel comes in white, gray, brown and black. These squirrels mostly nest in trees and feed on acorns, nuts, and our garbage.These furry little friends sometimes find their way into atti…

Grey squirrels are commonly found in North America. The gray squirrel comes in white, gray, brown and black. These squirrels mostly nest in trees and feed on acorns, nuts, and our garbage.

These furry little friends sometimes find their way into attics and between walls wreaking havoc inside. Common entry points are threw soffet, under damaged siding, or damaged exterior vents.

For more advice and/or solutions call or email Trap and Truck today
519-694-4839 - TrapandTruck@gmail.com

Opossums are the largest order of marsupials. They will hang around as long as food and water are readily available. There diet is similar to that of a raccoon so they are not above eating our garbage. One benefit of having Opossums around is that t…

Opossums are the largest order of marsupials. They will hang around as long as food and water are readily available. There diet is similar to that of a raccoon so they are not above eating our garbage. One benefit of having Opossums around is that they are heavy eaters of ticks which may carry lime disease.

Opossums are opportunists in the sense they prefer to occupy an abandoned burrow rather than put forth the effort of digging one themselves.

Opossums are not a common pest animal however they are known to get stuck atop chain link fence and are sometimes wandering sick during the day. Due to there solitary behavior opossums are less susceptible to come in contact with canine distemper but are not immune.

For more advice and/or solutions call or email Trap and Truck today
519-694-4839 - TrapandTruck@gmail.com

Did you know Groundhogs are a relative of the squirrel. If given the chance these cute little monsters will devour your garden and dig unsightly holes throughout your landscape.A Groundhog can construct burrows between 10 and 60 feet in length. Don'…

Did you know Groundhogs are a relative of the squirrel. If given the chance these cute little monsters will devour your garden and dig unsightly holes throughout your landscape.

A Groundhog can construct burrows between 10 and 60 feet in length. Don't waste your time filling in the hole these ferocious diggers will easily dig their way out.

The best way to get rid of a groundhog problem is to remove it from the area. After they are gone filling in the hole will deter other animals from moving in.

For more advice and/or solutions call or email Trap and Truck today
519-694-4839 - TrapandTruck@gmail.com

Adult Moles range from 12 to 20 cm long. They have dark grey or brown velvet like fur. Its eyes are small and its front feet have strong claws for digging.Moles are insectivores and feed mainly on earthworms, insects, and grubs. Some moles may damag…

Adult Moles range from 12 to 20 cm long. They have dark grey or brown velvet like fur. Its eyes are small and its front feet have strong claws for digging.

Moles are insectivores and feed mainly on earthworms, insects, and grubs. Some moles may damage tubers and the roots of garden plants. But any plant damage is most likely incidental or from small herbivores sharing he tunnels.

For more advice and/or solutions call or email Trap and Truck today
519-694-4839 - TrapandTruck@gmail.com

Voles look like house mice, but have a shorter tail, a rounded muzzle and head, and small ears. The vole has a dark brown coat with a greyish belly that turns white in the winter.Voles diet consists of green plants and seeds. Voles are active during…

Voles look like house mice, but have a shorter tail, a rounded muzzle and head, and small ears. The vole has a dark brown coat with a greyish belly that turns white in the winter.

Voles diet consists of green plants and seeds. Voles are active during the day or night, and in winter, they travel in tunnels beneath the snow.

You probably have a vole infestation if you find:

bark that has been removed completely around the base of a tree.

(1- to 2-inch) wide dead strips (surface runways) through grass.

Small burrow holes at the edge of decks or under yard waste and decor.

Pathways between fence lines and small piles of brownish feces along the runways.

For more advice and/or solutions call or email Trap and Truck today
519-694-4839 - TrapandTruck@gmail.com

Because of human encroachment Coyotes are now prevalent inside city neighborhoods, but mostly will stay clear of humans. Coyote will sometimes come out to play with your dog, but be weary of this behavior as it is may be a luring technique used to l…

Because of human encroachment Coyotes are now prevalent inside city neighborhoods, but mostly will stay clear of humans. Coyote will sometimes come out to play with your dog, but be weary of this behavior as it is may be a luring technique used to lead your pet to the pack for ambush.

It is important to stay out of Coyote inhabited areas after dark especially with your pets. If you find yourself in a position ware it is unavoidable always carry a flashlight. If you encounter an aggressive animal never turn and run. Be as loud as you can wave your arms and back away slowly.

Deter Coyotes from entering your yard with 6 Ft fencing and use of motion sensors. Clean up dog feces in your yard, keep pets inside at night, always spay neuter your pets(s).

For more advice and/or solutions call or email Trap and Truck today
519-694-4839 - TrapandTruck@gmail.com

The White-tailed deer is the most wide spread of the four deer species in North America. Everyone has spotted them within the city in and around parks fields and even in our neighborhoods.Deer are widely known to be Herbivores dieting mostly on plan…

The White-tailed deer is the most wide spread of the four deer species in North America. Everyone has spotted them within the city in and around parks fields and even in our neighborhoods.

Deer are widely known to be Herbivores dieting mostly on plants, fruits, grasses and acorns. In winter they will eat roots, evergreens, fallen leaves, and may even resort to omnivorous behavior when lacking in nutrition.

Deer populations are higher than ever. This means chances you come into contact with them is as-well. It is important not to feed or disturb deer in your area as they can become aggressive and pose risk to your well being.

If you have a baby deer (Fawn) on your property report it to a local wildlife expert and do not touch it. Mom is close and may be gone until late in the evening and in some cases overnight.

For more advice and/or solutions call or email Trap and Truck today
519-694-4839 - TrapandTruck@gmail.com

Southern Ontario RAPTORS include Sharp Shin Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, Red Tailed Hawk, American Kestrel, Merlin, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Saw ?Whet Owl, Screech Owl, Bared Owl, Great Horned Owl, and the Barn OwlIf you have Raptor Birds diving into your bird f…

Southern Ontario RAPTORS include Sharp Shin Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, Red Tailed Hawk, American Kestrel, Merlin, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Saw ?Whet Owl, Screech Owl, Bared Owl, Great Horned Owl, and the Barn Owl

If you have Raptor Birds diving into your bird feeders and killing Songbirds. Stop feeding the Songbirds for a week or so and the Raptor will move on.

Raptors main diet is rodents. This can be essential in the control of mice, vole, and squirrel populations in your area. Remove the Predator and the pray will flourish.

NEVER poison mice or other rodents. Hundreds of raptors die from eating poisoned rodents. - if a injured raptor is found place a blanket or towel or box with small air holes over it. Raptor birds have very powerful wings, talons, and beaks. Please avoid handling - Call an expert

For more advice and/or solutions call or email Trap and Truck today.
519-694-4839 - TrapandTruck@gmail.com

Ontario is home to eight species of bats two of which are attracted to our homes. These are the little brown bat and the big brown bat. little differentiates them in appearance besides wingspan and slight facial pattern difference.Bats follow air cu…

Ontario is home to eight species of bats two of which are attracted to our homes. These are the little brown bat and the big brown bat. little differentiates them in appearance besides wingspan and slight facial pattern difference.

Bats follow air currents to get outside and feed in the evening. sometimes they can get confused and travel through the walls ending up inside your house, It is not recommended to handle bats as they are the most common carrier of the deadly rabies virus. If you must always wear heavy leather gloves. The best way to handle bats is to call an expert.

Bats are a very important part of our natural environment and are a protected species. If you find a bat in your home do not kill it. Release it into a tree outside. Bats are an integral part of agriculture in Ontario keeping pest insect populations down. This limits the need for insecticides on our crops and in our neighborhoods.

For more advice and/or solutions call or email Trap and Truck today.
519-694-4839 - TrapandTruck@gmail.com



Wild Turkey
Feral Cats

If you have requests for additional Local Wildlife profiles Email to TrapandTruck@Gmail.com

Raccoon's are resourceful creatures in high numbers within the city. Raccoon's don't just eat your garbage. They keep a diversified diet by raiding squirrel and bird nests, eating berries, apples, nuts and Crayfish and more.These cute and ferocious …

Raccoon's are resourceful creatures in high numbers within the city. Raccoon's don't just eat your garbage. They keep a diversified diet by raiding squirrel and bird nests, eating berries, apples, nuts and Crayfish and more.

These cute and ferocious little wanderers like to take up residence in sheds, soffet, attics, under decks and may even take refuge in untidy yard waste piles.

Unfortunately for your pets raccoon feces and urine carry deadly parasites and roundworm. Raccoon's are commonly known to carry canine distemper which is fatal to dogs. Raccoon's are also carriers of the deadly rabies virus.

It is important to identify and eliminate raccoon attractants on your property. Remove garbage and seal up vulnerable areas before they move in.

If you see raccoon's during the day this is not normal behavior. Do not approach or feed docile raccoon's they are most likely sick. Always call an expert.

For more advice and/or wildlife solutions call or email Trap and Truck today
519-694-4839 - TrapandTruck@gmail.com