Ontario is home to eight species of bats two of which are attracted to our homes. These are the little brown bat and the big brown bat. little differentiates them in appearance besides wingspan and slight facial pattern difference.

Bats follow air currents to get outside and feed in the evening. sometimes they can get confused and travel through the walls ending up inside your house, It is not recommended to handle bats as they are the most common carrier of the deadly rabies virus. If you must always wear heavy leather gloves. The best way to handle bats is to call an expert.

Bats are a very important part of our natural environment and are a protected species. If you find a bat in your home do not kill it. Release it into a tree outside. Bats are an integral part of agriculture in Ontario keeping pest insect populations down. This limits the need for insecticides on our crops and in our neighborhoods.

Remember bats are friends better left untouched!
