Winter Is Coming protect your home

With the impending cold on the horizon your home is perfect solution for animals looking for more comfortable quarters to ride out the freezing temperatures.

Now is the time to look over the exterior of your home and perform any preventative maintenance needed to protect your home from becoming a winter hideaway.

- Missing vent screens
- Loose vents
- Uncapped Chimneys
- Soffet/Facia open or loose fitted
- Siding loose fitted or open
- Foundation cracks or holes
- Padded down insulation in the attic (paths and beds)
- Smell of Ammonia or any unusual scents

If your home shows any of these signs of deterioration you may already have a wild house guest chewing about all while leaving strong scented urine and disease/parasite ridden feces in there wake.

Keep an ear out for any sounds of scratching or scurrying. Have a professional do a thorough exterior check as well as look in he attic and other crawlspaces. Perform any maintenance as recommended.